
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Imagine a job where you are on duty the moment you open your eyes.

You have no time to wake up and adjust to life outside of dreamland before you are asked to meet the demands of others.

A job where that wake up call can come any time of the night, and you are grateful if it at least waits until after the sun is up.

A job where, even if you wake up sick unable to breathe through your nose, there is no calling out sick option.

There are no holidays and no weekends.

Basically, it.never.ends.

I feel like I spend all day meeting the demands of three very demanding little people. Feeding, playing, reading, cleaning, changing, wiping, getting, opening, time-outing, lecturing, giving, never-stopping....

But I wouldn't have it any other way. I need to end this on a positive note so you all know how much I love being a mom. I really do. And I take time for myself every day. Really. This entire post basically exists because Nathan will not sleep past 6:00AM. And I just want to sleep until 7. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. At the time it seems like this part of your life will never end, but it does. Someday you will be able to sleep in and decide what you want to do with your day. Then you will see photos of your kids at this age and miss them fiercely. Being a Mom is never being completely satisfied with now.
