
Sunday, April 26, 2020

I was taking a shower and Nora barged in and pressed her face against the glass and announced, "I can see your body!"

I replied, "Go away!"

"But it's me, Nora."

"I know who you are!"

"Then why did you tell me to go away?"

I love that she is so confident it just can't compute in her mind that I would ask her to go away while I was taking a shower.

Then she asked, "Mom, am I a stinker pot or a butthead?" I told her she was neither of those things. That she was a smart girl. And I asked her why she asked and she said, "Because you say I'm a stinkpot but Olivia says I'm a butthead!"

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Nathan can be funny too!

The other day Aaron took the kids to drive thru for lunch, and there was a police officer in the parking lot. Aaron announced, "I hope everyone is buckled up, because there's a cop right there!" And Nathan replied, "I hope he doesn't arrest me for having my hat on backwards." Jury is still out on whether or not he was serious.

Then tonight I made nachos baked in the oven for dinner and as I took them out of the oven Nathan exclaimed, "Wow! Those nachos are so hot I would take them on a date!"  I couldn't believe my ears. He is 8 years old!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Cute Story Check!

(I've been watching too much tiktok)

Okay so I have this little clay empty tomb, with a small statue of Mary kneeling in front of it, as part of my Easter decorations. Nora picked up Mary and asked who it was.

"That's Mary."

Nora, "Oh I know! Jesus' mom is Mary!"

"Actually, this is a different Mary. This Mary wasn't his mom. It was Mary Magdeline, who was like Jesus' best friend."

Nora pouts and crosses her arms and declares, "I THOUGHT I WAS JESUS' BEST FRIEND!"