
Saturday, September 8, 2018

cute moments I want to capture in time

On Thursday we had a family movie night. As we were getting the movie set up, and I was popping the popcorn, and the kids were trying to make it as dark as possible to achieve maximum movie theater at home experience, Nathan ran upstairs. I happened to look over as he was coming back downstairs, in one of Aaron's t-shirts and his favorite blanket in hand. Why did this strike me as so freaking cute? I don't know, but I looked at Aaron and realized he had caught this glimpse of Nathan in this moment also, and we looked at each other and Aaron was like, "That is really cute." And I was like I KNOW RIGHT?! Something just so sweet and innocent about it. For whatever reason it was a moment. 

Then today the cuteness came in the form of Nora being so sweet with Matthew. All day she was wanting to make sure he was included in whatever she was doing. I was going to give her a bath and she insisted he take a bath too. I washed her hair and then she pointed and said, "Matthew's turn?" When I gave her a banana she broke it in half and handed half to him. So I was extra grateful I got them matching PJ's at Sam's club last night. They had boy/girl dino jammies and it was just so cute. Even cuter was Nora's reaction when I put them on. She was so happy and kept showing him their matching feet. 

Olivia is writing a book. I love seeing her love things like writing and baking. She is growing up and it keeps hitting me in weird ways. I am so grateful she is who she is. Today I had something to be at for an hour or so and I knew I could leave her to babysit and all would be well. 

And I posted this on facebook but figured it's blog worthy as well. Eliza was wearing the same pants since Wednesday (It's Saturday). They were filthy. I told her to go change them and she protested. "But mom, look..." she gestured to the many stains covering the front and back, "these are science pants now!" I was laughing too hard to even ask her to explain. She is a hoot. 

Abigail spent a good portion of today pretending to be a cleaning robot and doing anything I asked her. 

Have to write about these cute moments, because overall today was honestly rough. Lots of fighting, grumbling, so much crying, and two toddlers are the messiest things on earth, and we were so glad when daddy came home... but those cute moments are a pretty good payoff.

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