
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Four Years Ago today...

I was walking around trick-or-treating just a few hours before giving birth to a beautiful, amazing little girl. I am still in disbelief how that whole night went down, but nonetheless, I am so grateful for this little girl of mine. She's very quick to give her little brother what he wants, even if she had it first. Perhaps it's because she's tired of getting her hair pulled... But she is so sweet, and I am just so in love with her.

Here's her first three years in pictures.. 

And here are some recent ones...

Oh Abigail, I know you feel left out a lot, and your most common complaint is that so and so won't play your game with you. I hope you always know that you are so so special, and so so loved, and your games are awesome and whoever doesn't want to play with you stinks. You are smart, and kind, and thoughtful. Whenever something bad happens to someone, like say Olivia's balloon pops, you don't even think twice about giving her your balloon. Your heart is so good and genuine, and I absolutely love being your mom.

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