
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Eliza is 5!

Eliza turned 5 a couple of weeks ago. We celebrated 3 times. We happened to be in Mesa the weekend before her birthday so we had a last minute cousin party. Then on her actual birthday I made her a special dessert, she got the special birthday treatment, and we had a pretty great day. Then she had her birthday party with friends from school and church and lucky for us, cousins again! She has the funniest little mind. Here are some funny recent quotes,

"Now that we had my party - I'm OFFICIALLY 5!" -- apparently the first two celebrations were nothing.

"Mom - I just love Satan a teenie tiny bit. Like, I think he'll be fine, once he just calms down." -- This one had me stifling my laughter so much. I wasn't even sure how to handle this. I just see it as her sweet way of seeing the good in everything. But also, how she freaks out sometimes and then calms herself down pretty quickly (most of the time).

"Mom, is it okay if I love you more than Jesus? I know I should love Jesus more than anyone, but I love you a tiny bit more." Yes, yes that is okay darling one. I love how much this girl loves Jesus though. She talks to Him a lot and reminds me a lot of my childhood self.

This one is from a few weeks ago after I told her we were going to go play with her best friends (who had recently turned 5). "Kimi and Kami don't even care about me anymore. Why would they care about a 4 year old when they're 5?!" She was happy to see that they did indeed still care about her. But she was absolutely thrilled to turn 5 and make their bond that much stronger.

Though she has been wishing she could turn back time so she can turn 5 again. She has loved getting cards, going shopping and all of the parties. I really will miss this girl so much when she goes to kindergarten in August.

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