
Sunday, July 8, 2018

Family Time

The other day we had spent almost all day looking at screens, I finally decided enough was enough. I told everyone to put it away and we were going to play charades. We were laughing so much and having so much fun. Nathan cuddled up on my lap and said, "I wish I could write about this in my journal so I always remember it." 

He has been on wanting a journal kick. He randomly says he wants a pet snake. I told him if he still wants one when it's his birthday we'll talk more about it. "I wish I had a journal." He said. "Why?"  "Because then I could write, December 17th - remember I want a snake!"

Nora has been utterly exhausting lately. It seems the last 10 years of my life have been, one kid growing out of the absolutely exhausting stage, just to have another one fill their place. I'm looking forward to the future and not having toddlers anymore. As I write this, she is emptying every toy bin into the living room. It's easier to clean it up when she's in bed than try to stop her now. The other day she emptied all the tupperware - no big deal. But then she got her squeezy applesauce and made sure to get some all over every single piece. Today in sacrament meeting she would not sit still to save her life. She just loooves to go up to every single person and say "Hi!" and wave to them. Fortunately most people are happy to say hi back, and she goes on her merry way. But I still feel like I should be able to control her better. Any attempt to keep her in my lap resulted in her hitting and biting me. She also requests fruit snacks about 100 times a day.  She's also still sleeping really crappy and so she's easily trigged by everything. In fact, she's now moved from destroying the toys to emptying the pantry so I better go.

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