
Sunday, September 26, 2010

So last night was the Relief Society General Broadcast. I had a really good time. I went to Olive Garden with a group of ladies from my ward. Then the ice cream social. Then the broadcast. It was a great night. I feel very recharged today. And excited for General Conference next week.

My weight loss journey... yeah I kind of sucked last week. I need to give myself credit for what I did do. Which was limit my sugar intake. And went to Jazzercise 3 days... maybe 4... but I think 3. This week I am going to go 5 days. And run on the 6th day. Yeah that's right! I'm going to run. I think. If I can really get into a good routine I do enjoy running. I just hate starting. I'm also going to majorly up my water intake this week. And continue to limit my sugar. I haven't weighed myself. I'm following advice of a friend and I'm giving it a month. Tonight I made a lowfat Alfredo. It was heavenly. So good. You would never guess it was low fat. And I don't even like aflredo, but this was just delish. The recipe is from here. Try it, you'll like it. I added chicken and shrimp and broccoli.

Funny things from Olivia's mouth today. "Wooooow that's the greatest pie I've ever seen..." Talking about a pile of coasters she was playing with. She also frequently adds phrases like, "in my whole life" to things she says. It absolutely cracks me up. In her WHOLE 30 month life. I have been doing a little bit of mommy school with her during Abigail's nap time. This is where I brag. She knows all of her letters. All colors. Most shapes. And can read a few site words. Like, Mom, Dad, Olivia, Abigail, Pop, Nan, big, little, away... I think those are the only ones she has down pat. I just have them written on little cards and we play games with them. My mom got me a set of flashcards that are first site words, and that's where big, little, and away are from.

We're also on a big Backyardigans kick. It's on 3 times a day on our Netflix. And that's when I'm limiting it. It's okay with me, it's a cute show. But Olivia will request certain episodes and that's starting to drive me nuts. Those songs are catchy!

Bedtime has been an absolute nightmare since we've been back from NJ. I think I hear them even right now, and they've been in there for over an hour. Olivia stays up playing, waking up Abigail, climbing into her crib, taking her pacifier. We've started "grounding" her for doing this. No Backyardigans if she bothers Abigail. But she'll just say, "That's okay, I don't want to watch that anymore." But then the next day she'll throw a fit. So I need something more immediate, but I don't know what to do. I seriously dread bedtime. It is such a battle.

I do feel like I gripe too much, and have been focusing too much on the negative things. I really love being a mother. I am so grateful to have the privilege of raising these girls. ... and I really mean it... but right now I'm so tired and so irked at the pitter patter of feet I hear from Olivia's bedroom I can't get much more out than that. But really I love em!


  1. It's okay to complain--even about your kids. :) It doesn't make you bad, or even a bad mom, it just makes you human.

    In regards to weight loss--it's really helpful for me to go ahead and weigh myself every day because it keeps me on target. If I have a bad day, it shows up on the scale and it's a reminder to me to cut back the next day so that I do better. But that's just me. I totally won't be offended if you blow that off. :)

    Also, I'm not sure if I've piped up before about any tips, but I did lose a LOT of weight after I joined the church. The first 20 pounds were purely changing my habits--not my diet, just my habits. I stopped eating after dinner, period. What was left on the kids' plates went into the garbage disposal IMMEDIATELY after dinner. I didn't take the treat at FHE or Institute (that was HARD). When I went out to eat, I ordered whatever I wanted, but I only ate half the portion I was served and immediately gave it to the waiter without having it wrapped. For me, losing weight meant getting comfortable with waste and that was hard for me...but it was worth it. In the end I was so much happier, not to mention healthier. It was so worth it.

    Sending you healthy vibes!

  2. The biggest barrier to losing weight is motherhood! :) I'm serious! I'm a total stress eater so when little people are naughty and I have to discipline, I want to put some chocolate in my mouth! It's also so hard to eat right when you aren't getting enough sleep! Getting 7 or more hours of sleep sets you up for a better day where you work out and make better food choices. There's just only so much we can do as moms! So do the best you can! And mabye tie O to her bed. :) j/k
