
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One for the record books...

Haven't updated in forever, sorry about that... and this post will be mostly whining. I'll update for real some time soon.

We are leaving for NJ in less than an hour. Last night Abigail fell asleep around 9, and Olivia kept waking up. Over and over, screaming at the top of her lungs. Around 11 realized she had a fever, and she was saying ow, that her throat hurt. Right now it's 4:25am, and the only way she has slept all night is if someone is right next to her. So Aaron slept on her floor. Abigail woke up at 2am. I slept from 11:30-2:00. I am about to take a shower. I can not even believe this. The plan was to be asleep by 9 last night and up at 4. Wake up babies at 5 right before we leave. I can't imagine getting a worse start to this trip. Poor Olivia. I can tell she just feels like crap. Going to be a fun 5 hours on a plane.

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