
Monday, January 19, 2009

We have either lost our minds... or are total suckers

I'll let the pictures do the talking...
Hmm... what could be in the box??

Not one, but TWO adorable puppies!!!Olivia's in LOOOVEBut be honest... you'd do it too for this face.


  1. So I am sooooooooooo jealous! You have 2 puppies! But having 2 is good because they help train each other. And Olivia is going to love it. 2 puppies she can climb all over! You are going to get the cutest pics of the 3 of them playing together! Congrats on the newest additions to your fam!

  2. TWO puppies AND a 1 year old?? Wow, good luck!!

  3. What kind of puppies are they?! Ellie and I want to come and visit. Seriously though - the only reason my dogs are still around right now is because Ellie LOVES them. The things I do for her!

  4. Oh they are SO cute!! It makes me almost want to add one more to our lot. NOT!! You will love having them around, plus she won't have as many allergies or be as sick as most kids. YAY for new puppies.

  5. They are golden retreiver mixed with a black lab. SO CUTE. I would love you and Ellie to come visit, as soon as I'm better! Yup, after Olivia finally getting better I'm running a temp and have a sore throat. But I'll let ya know. That'd be fun, because one thing Olivia likes more than puppies are other little kids!

    Christine! What happened to your blog?? I can't find it anymore. I wrote you an email.

  6. I'm jealous! I think one day I will just buy some puppies and bring them home and then when my husband gets home I will just say I was wanting another baby and needed something else to take care of... hopefully that will shut him up since puppies are a lot less expensive than a new born! LOL! And did I mention how adorable your little girl is???
