
Monday, March 3, 2008

Alpine Bread?

So right by our place there's this Alpine Bread Bakery and Cafe. I had never been inside, even though we live right across the street, in the entire 2.5 years we've lived here. Well today I was out for my walk with Beth and when we walked past the bakery it smelt heavenly. So I decided after the walk to go back and check it out. I am so glad I did! They have day old loaves of bread for a $1! And some varieties are 3 or 2 loaves for $1! Then of course they have the fresh ones for $3.50, and some dessert breads, and cookies. Their credit card machine was down, and I only had $2 cash, so I got a loaf of sourdough bread and a huuuuge chocolate chip cookie :) Anyway, couldn't believe I never stopped in before... sooo yummy.

Now a question... has anyone ever gone to My Girlfriend's Kitchen, or a similiar type place where you pay a certain amount per meal, and you make it there with their ingriedients and stuff, and you go home with a bunch of meals? I have been thinking about doing this so I won't have to stress about cooking after baby's here for a couple of weeks. Just curious if anyone's tried it...


  1. Hey! If you don’t have the baby by Wed night (the 5th), Jon and I want to invite you and Aaron to come to the temple visitor’s center with us! we will go probably around 7 ish or so. I would have called but I am at my parents and I don’t have the ward list:) sorry! Anyway.. I hope that you get this message let me know if you guys can come!

  2. My Girlfriend's Kitchen is AWESOME!! Well worth the money it costs to have ready meals in the freezer to thaw and cook. I've used a similar service in Washington and have been waiting for the right time - money wise - to try this one. They are tons of fun - for a date night or day. Hint, hint...before the baby comes. If you try it let me know you like their meals. They look delicious on the website.

  3. i totally forgot that you were in young womans now! we totally understand. Jon actually works every night except wed nights. so Thursday is a no go, BUT I'm sure you will have had your baby by then anyways.. well, we hope :) keep us updated, and PLEASE let us know if you need anything! Jonny is still your home teacher you know, so you are required to call if you need anything :)

  4. I actually did the My Girlfriends Kitchen right before I had Ellie last year. It was great to not have to worry about meals for a couple of weeks! I plan to do it before every kid now. The food was ok but Rob decided he preferred my cooking. For the convenience though - it was SOOO worth it!

    Oh and I love that Alpine Bakery. I can smell it from my house. We love the wheat bread from there!
