
Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Birthday...

TO ME! Today was a great birthday. Aaron is always amazing. We started by going out to lunch with his fam and cousin Sean. Then went pumpkin picking, I'll attatch the pictures of that because Olivia was absolutely adorable. And then we dropped her off with Aunt Allison and Uncle Douger and cousins while we went and painted pottery and had a yummy dinner at Slices. Okay I have to go feed the crying baby so I'll upload these pics and be done.

This is my favorite face.


  1. Lauren,
    We LOVE these pictures!!!1It's amazing how quickly she's growing, but the thing we really love is that everytime we see her, she has a smile on her beautiful face!!!!!
    Love from Nana and Aunt Marita

  2. Olivia just keeps getting prettier and prettier I can't wait to see you guys.

    Love mommy,

  3. Holy Smokes, you guys moved not THAT long ago and Olivia has TOTALLY grown up since then! I will call you so we can get together...

  4. Those are such great pictures of Olivia! She is adorable!
