
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Funny Nora at 3.5

Hello blog, my old friend. So much to update, but want to write some funny Nora-isms while they're fresh in my mind.

Tonight I started to say prayers with Nora, but she interrupted and said she wanted to say the prayer herself. This is more or less a direct quote, "Dear Heavenly Father, Please help me be obedient, and not be disobedient, and be obedient, so I can be good, and be obedient, and be good and not push anybody and not hurt Matthew, and be obedient, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

And then she wanted to tell ME a story. 

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl, named Nora. And she loved playing outside. And one day, she was playing outside and *dramatic pause* JESUS CAME! And Nora said, "Hi, Jesus!" And then Jesus died. And Spinelly was there. And TJ, and Finster, and Gus, and Vince, and (went on to name every single character from Recess) was there. And they called the doctors and police. And the doctors and police came and they gave Jesus a shot, and he comed back to life. THE END!"

Other common Nora phrases - "must" like, "You must like this, Mom!" or "Spencer must love my slide!" And of course, "We MUST be obedient."

The other ones left my mind as soon as I started writing. I need to get better about updating this!

No time like quarantine time, so maybe I'll do a few more updates.

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